Wednesday, March 29, 2006
'Lena' has made a great mix of Amb's Romeo which I have included here as it deserves a wider audience. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Argh! Deadlines...
Why do we do it to ourselves? We won't make any rash promises again about specific dates for things happening! The Sasha and Spooky remix competition will be more of a remix saga by the time we announce the winners - but they will come. Patience, young grasshopper!
We are busy tying up the ends of various interesting deals which should massively increase our profile in the world. Obviously we can't say anything right now, but when we can, you'll hear about it first on this blog!
Due to spending a few days away from the office to relax in the Devon countryside, I have missed a few days of posting - but I'll make up for that now with some links which have really proved to be worth subscribing to recently:
Marc Canter's blog - never short of an opinion about the world of the web and social media!
Yahoo! Music blog - having fun and building a great user experience.
Digital Music Weblog - picks up great stories often not covered elsewhere.
We are busy tying up the ends of various interesting deals which should massively increase our profile in the world. Obviously we can't say anything right now, but when we can, you'll hear about it first on this blog!
Due to spending a few days away from the office to relax in the Devon countryside, I have missed a few days of posting - but I'll make up for that now with some links which have really proved to be worth subscribing to recently:
Marc Canter's blog - never short of an opinion about the world of the web and social media!
Yahoo! Music blog - having fun and building a great user experience.
Digital Music Weblog - picks up great stories often not covered elsewhere.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Quick Update
OK - just a quick update to let you all know whats happening on various fronts:
1 - YourSpins: We have conducted some internal testing and have also invited some specially-selected external people to give us their views. Further development is happening as a result - we expect an open beta in the next few weeks.
2 - Sasha/Spooky Remix competition: A shortlist of mixes is being listened to by Sasha and Spooky. Winners announced on Friday!
3 - - our corporate website is about to undergo the first of a series of changes, related to YourSpins going live. Some community features and di track downloads will move from to
Thats it for now. More news when it happens. Back to the grindstone!
1 - YourSpins: We have conducted some internal testing and have also invited some specially-selected external people to give us their views. Further development is happening as a result - we expect an open beta in the next few weeks.
2 - Sasha/Spooky Remix competition: A shortlist of mixes is being listened to by Sasha and Spooky. Winners announced on Friday!
3 - - our corporate website is about to undergo the first of a series of changes, related to YourSpins going live. Some community features and di track downloads will move from to
Thats it for now. More news when it happens. Back to the grindstone!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Sasha/Spooky Remix Competition Winners!
Today's the day we announce the winners for the Sasha/Spooky remix competition. Or rather it was supposed to be. We were so inundated with submissions at the last minute that we are still listening and re-listening to mixes pretty much all day. Because of this we have moved the date for announcing the winners back another week to 24th March.
Sorry for the delay - but if you win, you won't mind!
Sorry for the delay - but if you win, you won't mind!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Sneaky peak

So, I've been having enormous fun playing with the site. I'm going to post some of the best remixes up here soon. But in the meantime I thought I'd give you a quick peak at how things look in beta right now. These are actual screenshots - but of course things can change and probably will by the time we open up to the beta-testing public. Just to give you a flavour of where we are heading...
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Blog this mix
A mix from a member of YourSpins of Roots Manuva's 'Too Cold'. You could be making mixes like these for yourself and your blogs soon too! Click the player to register for YourSpins now!
Today's the day

So, keeping my fingers crossed and touching all wooden objects within arms reach, today we will launch YourSpins beta to an internal audience to check what is working and what needs to be fine-tuned. It has been a long journey, and we are by no means finished, but just getting to this first hurdle feels great.
I'm pretty sure that what we have now will be great in itself, but when we add the next raft of features, then we'll have one of the hottest music sites on the web, in my humble opinion!!
So, if you have signed-up for beta-testing, I expect that we will be inviting you to the closed beta next week at some point. And if you haven't signed up, get your email address into the appropriate box on this page.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
No news is good news!
So - I've been a bit lax with updating you on developments behind the scenes here at Digimpro - but thats only because we have been busy doing things. YourSpins is about to launch to the lucky few who have signed-up for beta-testing. We have recently added a lot of features and are looking forward to unleashing it on the world!
There is a strange balance to strike between launching something which is fully-featured and getting something basic out of the doors as early as possible and building up on that. Due to the wait for the beta-launch, you know we haven't done the latter, but we are still looking to add in more features after the beta-launch. What those features will be depend on the feedback we get from you - the users. Maybe it is imperative to have an online radio, maybe you want to see podcasting implemented immediately. Whatever you say, we'll be listening.
The imminent launch of YourSpins also means a change for the main Digimpro website. We'll soon be moving all the music and community features from to the new YourSpins site. Then we are ready to rock'n'roll - literally.
There is a strange balance to strike between launching something which is fully-featured and getting something basic out of the doors as early as possible and building up on that. Due to the wait for the beta-launch, you know we haven't done the latter, but we are still looking to add in more features after the beta-launch. What those features will be depend on the feedback we get from you - the users. Maybe it is imperative to have an online radio, maybe you want to see podcasting implemented immediately. Whatever you say, we'll be listening.
The imminent launch of YourSpins also means a change for the main Digimpro website. We'll soon be moving all the music and community features from to the new YourSpins site. Then we are ready to rock'n'roll - literally.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Bustin' makes me feel good.
I saw this ages ago and I'm so glad I found another link to it. Song lyrics in bullet-point form. There were only a handful of pages when I first saw this, now there are 35. The original Ghostbusters one is still my favourite though!